Main teachings of Guru  to seekers of God
1. Be pure vegetarian, alchohol & smoking & killing animals in name of God are forbidden.
2. Discipline is foundation of the spiritual path.
3. Consider all woman as divine mother vaalai to overcome maya-lust.
4. Do the mediation regularly for minimum 30 minitues per day(preferably early morning).
5. Weekly once join satsang with thiruvadi meditatior to clear any doubts(its must).
6. To grow in spiritual path, do gnana thananm to seekers of Gaod, explain thiruvadi to others.
7. Do thiruvadi dhavam at jeeva samadhis and spritual places
8. Bakthi towards God from childhood is important. As a parent its most important to show guru to your children.
9. Breathing practices, chant mantras are used to enhance mind but wont help to destroy form of mind(mukthi).
10. All houses should be pure as temple for God to live. (house – human body)
11, Do meditation with eyes open and summa iru @ thiruvadi.
12 One who explains the secret of divine without hiding secrets in real sanmaarkee. Sanmaarkam is sanathana dharma.
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