Outcome of True Bakthi

“One who has completed the process of seeing God as deity as statue, in temple and has bathed in water of holy places will get a SadGuru by God’s grace”  – Divine Saint Poet Thayumana Swamigal

If a person has true bhakthi towards God and if lives the life with humbles, with full of virtuousness he will get a good SadGuru by the grace of lord. Guru will come to such a person by his grace. Listen carefully if you are a true and dedicated bhaktha of lord then God’s grace is such that if you get a good Guru.

We have to gain divine wisdom by doing penance by the grace of Guru. Study the life history of all the saints and seers, we can see all has done penance and all has suffered a lot. Without suffering or doing penance no one has got divine wisdom? You won’t be paid without doing work right? Similarly unless you go to a Guru , get to know the MeiPorul, realize the consciousness and do penance continuously you will not get divine wisdom and you will not realize GOD.

In today’s world people think spirituality means going to the temple or doing puja or bathing the deity in milk and other noble things or going for places of holiness or providing food to the people or doing pranayama or singing bhajans or doing meditation. All these things were the steps to achieve divine wisdom or Nyana. All these will come under Bhakthi, Yogam and Karma Yogam.

Divine wisdom is first realizing oneself. Getting to know who am i. 

To get this divine wisdom , to get God’s grace we definitely need bhakthi. Bhakthi is the foundation for getting near divinity. Without Bhakthi there is no divine wisdom. 

You could see people talking and debating about God by studying scriptures. They are the english people. They are more interested to display their knowledge of scriptures. For them there is no possibility of even nearing the supreme divine lord.

One who surrenders to the lord in humbleness will get the divine mercy of lord. Love and Humbleness only will give you the divine wisdom.

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