Ulaga MuchSaara Saramum NinruNin

   rulavu kinraPer Ulagam Enbathum

Kalagam InriEng kanuni rainthaSir

   kanamVi langSir Kakanam Enbathum

Ilaga Onriren DenalAa ganrathor

   Inaiyil Inbamaam Ithayam Enbathum

Thilagam EnraNang KuruChi dambaram

   SivaChi dambaram SivaChi dambaram



The one that is called as universe containing and sustaining all the movable and immovable things, the one that is called as GnanaGaasam (Spiritual Divine Sky) which contains the explanation of glory and which is filled everywhere without any disturbance, the one which cannot be explained or termed as one or two and which is incomparable bliss giving stable Eyes having Sun Rise and Moon Rise in it and for all these Pupil of the Eyes becomes the cherished central one and is called as Guru Chidambaram.

The Divine Light in the tiny place in the center of our eyes acts as Guru and it is what is there as Sivam in SivaChidambaram. This Sivam in Siva Chidambaram is praised here.

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